Success Stories
Patients’ Stories

How do I love Lydia? Let me count the ways.
1.) I love Lydia for taking time to get to know me and thoroughly explaining her treatments.
I was recommended to Lydia by an acquaintance who described her as “the bomb”. It’s true. She is. I knew this the first time I visited her. I had just gone off of oral contraceptives and wanted to get back on my cycle in the most natural way possible. In addition, I had years of poor digestion I was trying to figure straighten out and needed advice on changing my diet and some aspects of my lifestyle. She asked me all the right questions and had a confident and exciting plan for our work together.
2.) I love Lydia for working her powerful medicine.
Within one month of working with Lydia, she was able to bring back my period and calm my digestive system. I was able to handle the stresses of life with ease and was sleeping better. Within four months, I was able to get pregnant. She calls it medicine. I call it her secret voodoo powers. Whatever it is, it works, and I have nothing but the utmost confidence and trust in her practice.
3.) I love Lydia for becoming someone whom I love dearly and look forward to seeing each week.
Lydia is caring, compassionate, and so GOOD at what she does. Her passion and dedication are apparent in her practice. She is a responsive communicator and I value her opinion more than I do my western medical doctor.